quinta-feira, 17 de março de 2016

Decisions, Cocos2d-x and Cocos Studio

This last week has been all about decisions on what languages to use, discussing more about the game, how it will be and possible low fidelity prototypes. Unfortunately we were a bit set back because of needing an answer from miniclip, but that didn't stop us from exploring our possible tools of choice to make our game.

Like my colleagues I've been fiddling around with Cocos Creator, which unfortunately will be left behind because of the inability to build onto iOS, and Cocos2d-x on Visual Studio. I've been watching several tutorials trying to make the most out of Cocos2d-x, since I am unexperienced with it.
I will also be making the simple art for the game using a tool that seemed similar to SpriteBuilder for Mac, that's called Cocos Studio. I'll be sure to get into it as soon as possible!

Oh and...Happy Easter!

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