quinta-feira, 17 de março de 2016

Practice on Cocos2d-x and Cocos Creator

Hello there!

After the good news of our group being accepted in a partnership with Miniclip, I decided to install and do some tutorials of Cocos2d-x, since we do not own computers with Mac OS.

After installing the Cocos2d-x and running it on Visual Studio, I've done a programming tutorial series of  Cocos2d-x, which can be found here: http://www.gamefromscratch.com/page/Cocos2d-x-CPP-Game-Programming-Tutorial-Series.aspx. It covers functionalities such as printing a simple Hello World, basic sprites, mouse events, keyboard events and action handling.

I also found Cocos Creator which is a game engine similar to Unity 3D, that is based on Cocos2d-x an works with components structures and JavaScript. I have also done a tutorial of a simple game which can be found here http://cocos2d-x.org/docs/editors_and_tools/creator-chapters/getting-started/quick-start/.

Our choice of what we will use to program our game will probability be Cocos2d-x, since Cocos Creator can't build a game for IOS platforms. 

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